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NFPA 70E - Arc Flash and Electrical Safety Training


Product SKU: NFPA70E

Manufacturer: Fox River Systems
Electrical safety training is the single best investment you can make in improving safety of your electrical workers and compliance with regulations.
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Electrical safety training is offered in 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-hour training sessions tailored to the roles and responsibilities of personnel that do technical work (entire 8 hour class), supervise electrical workers (first 4 hours), or have management responsibility (first 2 hours) for electrical workers and the electrical distribution systems. Key topics covered in the 8 hour class:  Risk assessment, risk mitigation strategies, employee and employer responsibilities, shock and arc flash risk hazards, electrical safety practices, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), meter and measurement safety, and more.

This course is led by a NFPA Certified Electrical Safety Compliance Professional (CESCP).

BROCHURE: Arc Flash & Electrical Safety NFPA-70E Training